Encyclopedia Uranica

Welcome to Urania's Encyclopedia—your reference source for information on everything RASC.

  • (1865-1957) A 67-year member of the Society (Toronto); writer of a Toronto Telegram astronomy column (1900-48); Society Secretary (1902-17) and President (1920-21).

  • (1913-2001) Canada's first radio astronomer; Service Award 1981; RASC Honorary President (1986-89).

  • (1946-2004) An educator and active member of the Toronto Centre. Received the Service Award in 1981.

  • (1909-90) UBC Physicist. Service Award 1965.

  • (1923-98) A medical doctor, life member of the Society and an Honorary President of the Halifax Centre.


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Thursday, August 6, 2015 - 4:33pm